
Brunch; I’m neither a food photographer or chef so please forgive me.

For brunch I made some scrambled eggs with some orange peppers and spinach. Yum.

Upon making this meal I was pleasantly surprised that most of the ingredients I used were produced here in BC, I don’t buy locally (although I probably should) but I guess when fresh produce is involved it usually won’t be brought from too far.


Peppers from Delta, BC


Eggs from Abbotsford, BC20180709_133908.jpg
Spinach from Monterey, California.

The Spinach actually came from California, darn. After a quick google search it looks like this is the prime time for our locals to grow spinach too! In this guide it says here in Kelowna we can be growing spinach from June 25th to August 9th. The farmers here is extremely active too so if I was more careful I surely could have gotten fresher, tastier, locally grown, more environmentally friendly spinach. With no need for shipping.

When it comes to packaging, everything came in plastic except for the eggs, which was packaged in Styrofoam the packaging on the spinach seems especially wasteful, where they created a box with reasonably thick plastic and a resealable mechanism where realistically they could’ve made a resealable bag like the peppers did. It’s even less space efficient!

Upon a quick google search I found greeneatz and their food carbon footprint table. The table includes CO2 kilos per kilo of food. Ranking 4.8 CO2 kilos for eggs and 2.0 CO2 kilos for vegetables. While I didn’t eat a kilo of eggs, the eggs I ate definitely weighed more than the vegetables. So the eggs would have counted as a large majority of the footprint of my meal.


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